
Fastbreak 4v4 League Rules

  • Two (2) 20 minute halves.
  • Clock stops on all timeouts, on any whistle in the last 30 seconds of the first-half, and any whistle in the last two (2) minutes of the second-half. Running clock if the spread is 10+ points in the last two minutes.
  • Teams get three (3) timeouts per game (none added in overtime).
  • Overtime will be two (2) minutes. Double-Overtime is first to score two (2) points, no clock necessary.
  • Mandatory Substitutions will take place every 5 minutes. In the last 2 minutes of the game, the coach can sub in freely. Example: Last rotating substitution will occur at 5:00 mark. This rotation must play 3 minutes. The coach can substitute freely in the final 2 minutes. Substitute rotations must stay the same for the entire game.
  • Uniform: Every player will receive a team jersey that must be worn at every game. If a player does not have their jersey, they will be given a pinnie/reversible jersey for the game, and one (1) point will be given to the opponent before the game starts as a penalty.
  • 8 team fouls per half will result in a 1 and 1. No double bonus.
  • Two (2) team fouls in the last one (1) minute will result in a 1 and 1.
  • If a player is holding the basketball in bounds and touching the wall, they are out of bounds.
  • 3 second rule is in effect.
  • No press in the Monday 3rd/4th Division except in the last two (2) minutes. Refs will announce “Press is in effect!”
  • Press allowed for all other Divisions, but only if the score is within 10 points. Can not guard the inbounder in the backcourt.
  • Backcourt – 10 seconds to cross half-court; back-court is the foul line extended.
  • No players or parents can talk to the refs. Only team coaches may discuss calls with the officials. Technical fouls will be given out under the officials discretion. Communicate to the Site Supervisors or League Commissioner after the games any parents/players who are causing issues.
  • Any behavior deemed unacceptable by the staff may result in ejection or suspension from the league.
  • Parents must sit on the mezzanine and are not permitted on the gym level at Fastbreak Sports HQ. In off-site locations (RFK & SVF parents should be sitting across/away from the team benches. Parents are not permitted on team benches.
  • All teams make the playoffs! Expect an East and a West division for the playoffs to allow for two (2) champions.
  • Only players on the roster can play in order the game to be official in the standings. If another player is picked up to fill in, the game will be played, but will count as a forfeit.


We are proud to offer live-streaming video and video recordings of all games at Fastbreak. Sign up for the MyPlay app and email for your specific team code to never miss a game. Click HERE when your team is playing to watch the live-stream video.
Follow our Instagram pages to stay-up-to-date on the 4v4 League: @FBBasketball and @Fastbreak.Sports
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see highlights from the 4v4 League as well.

SPECTATORS We encourage friends and family to attend the games at Fastbreak Sports HQ to watch from our mezzanine level. PROGRAM SCHEDULES Full season schedules will be confirmed and updated regularly to our website, as well as accessible through the Daysmart Platform app.

Game Times at Fastbreak: 6:05 PM | 7:05 PM | 8:05 PM

Game Times at Off-Site Locations: 6:25 PM | 7:25 PM

UNIFORM All players will be given a team jersey. Players must bring their jersey each week. Their assigned number will help the player’s stats be accurate throughout the season. If a player does not bring his jersey, he will be given a reversible pinnie, and the opposing team will be rewarded a point to start the game. If the jersey is lost/misplaced, please contact and we can provide a new one for a fee. FOOTWEAR/ATTIRE All players should come in newer athletic sneakers or basketball shoes. We recommend players wear high-tops to prevent any ankle injuries when landing. Program attire is athletic shorts with team jersey. WATER/GATORADE There are water bottle fillers at the facility, so be sure to send adequate water/sports drink bottle(s) with your child. CANCELLATIONS & SCHEDULE CHANGES All families will be notified by email immediately if the program is canceled for any reason. If we cancel the program, our goal is schedule a make-up game with a double-header or by extending the season. Please be aware that we have families from public, private, and religious schools, which all use different academic calendars. We understand that our scheduling may not always be ideal, but we try to do our best to make it work for all families. In the rare case that we cannot schedule a make-up game, we will give an account credit for the missed game.